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Blog Entries posted by RonPrice

  1. RonPrice
    The industry I am engaged in is to create across the world-wide-web a tapestry of poetry and prose. At this site, readers will find my blog, one of the many parts of this tapestry. This literary creation, this industry created by a membership of one, this self-employed individual, this retired teacher and lecturer who is now 63 attempts to endow various themes and a wide range of social science and humanities subjects with many layers of meaning across the internet. I try to evoke a complex range of responses in readers who come upon my work.

    As initiator of this prose-poetry project it is my hope that over the many decades of my life I have developed a writing style which, while trying to fuse together material from many academic disciplines, from my own life and my religion, the Baha'i Faith, achieves a degree of both the provocative and the interesting on the one hand; and the entertaining and intellectually stimulating on the other. There are now many thousands of readers engaged in this tapestry, this industry, that I have created.

    It is my conviction that the Baha'i Faith has a significant role to play in the growing unification of the planet but I do not engage in any sort of aggressive proselytising at the more than 4000 websites that are part of this personal and industrious exercise. I do possess an obvious enthusiasm for my religion or I would not have been associated with it for over 50 years and I would not be promoting it in a multitude of forms as I do and have done since retiring from FT work in 1999, PT and casual work in 2003 and most volunteer work in 2005.

    It is my hope that what I write as a result of this self-employment resonates with both the novitiate, the veteran Baha'i and others on a multitude of paths.
  2. RonPrice
    Reading about the work of cartoonist Gary Larson and how he works I could not help compare and contrast his modus operandi and my own with respect to writing prose and poetry. Larson draws inspiration from similar sources to my own: interests, experiences and memories. He is sensitive about his readers and whether they understand his work. And so is this the case with me and my literary opus. I have one eye on my readers most of the time, but another on the world and all that is therein. Sometimes I shut one eye and open the other; at other times I open both eyes one, I like to think, to
  3. RonPrice
    By 2007/2008, as I inched my way annalistically/incrementally to the age of 65 and as my latest photo album was becoming filled to its maximum intake, people in my world were beginning to send digital photos, enough to begin to fill this and future photograph albums to overflowing. Those who could afford it, and who had the interest, in the first years of this new millennium, had begun to make videos of their family/personal lives; still others had telephones with visual images of the person they were talking to. There were large screen TVs, computer monitors, CDs, mini-discs, indeed, a cornucopia of new technology that was making the old world of the photograph in an album, the idea of keeping even the digital photo in an album, somewhat passe even declasse.1

    Time would tell just how I would respond to this change, this diversification, this amplification, in the technology of photography that had insensibly altered the rationale for the very existence of the old photo album. Photo albums had been delighting the eye, had been part of my memorabilia, for well nigh 60 years. As I write these words, fifteen months short of my 65th birthday, I have decided to continue to put digitals photo in this and future albums on the same basis as those photos from cameras that I and my family have been doing since early in the 20th century.-Ron Price, 18 April 2008. (1one rarely sees this word, declasse--acute accent on the last e--in literature these days, but it seems applicable here; it means lowered in social significance, relevance and standing.)
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