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Registration Terms

General Terms of Use for all users of this website:

Please take a moment to review these rules for use of the artfreaks.com website. These rules apply to all users of the artfreaks.com website - including all Members and non-members (Guest visitors to the site).

The owner of this website reserves the right to discontinue artfreaks.com and delete ALL content - including images, files, blogs and any other content that members have uploaded to the site - at any time; without giving any notice - and without giving a reason.

The site admin. and moderators may delete any member's account and ALL content that they have uploaded without giving any notice - and without giving a reason.

artfreaks.com has a fairly liberal policy as to what members can post on the site. However, this is a family website and we can not allow the posting of any images depicting nudity - or of any other form of inappropriate content.

Spamming in any shape or form is absolutely forbidden and we operate a zero tolerance policy in this respect.

Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages or other content posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message or other content, and we are not responsible for the contents of any message or other content.

The messages or other content posted, express the views of the author of the message or other content - not necessarily the views of this website. Any user who feels that a posted message or other content is objectionable, is encouraged to contact us immediately via the Contact Us form. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and other content - and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

When you browse this website, you agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this website to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, anti-racial, sexist, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.


Additional terms of use for registered members:

If you decide to register as an artfreaks.com Member, you warrant that you will not upload copyrighted material, except where the copyright is either owned by yourself - or with the express permission of the copyright owner.

If you decide to register as an artfreaks.com, you agree NOT to post any image of any person without their knowledge and consent. In the case of a copyrighted image - the permission and approval of the copyright holder must also be obtained.

Any violation of the above rules - including the General Tems of Use - will result in the Member being warned and quite possibly being banned from posting or uploading any content to the site. In extreme cases, the Member may have his or her account terminated without notice - and all of his or her content immediately deleted. Any IP addresses that the member has used will be blocked from re-registering at artfreaks.com.


Other than that, enjoy the site! :)


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Important Information

Please check-out the website usage terms at: Pages -> Terms of Service and Use