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Reproduction Painting

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Norm Darwish Photograph

I wish I knew what year Norm Darwish made this photograph. I tried to contact him on his website but, no response back. I can find information on a lot of his work, just not this series. I guess it might have came from his flowers theme. It is so beautiful, it is so mind boggling that he does this flawless of work with color pencils



Reproduction Painting

I recently purchased a painting from goodwill (kind of vintage looking) I think it might be by an artist who was experienced in hand painting reproductions of famous artworks. I found another painting that was a reproduction of "The First Kiss" and was sold with the same signature as the artist on my painting (which was also sold to soneone on goodwill). I have tried to research this artist but have been unsuccesful. I guess my question is, does anyone know the name of this painting, or what is



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