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Found 7 results

  1. Version 01


    A view, looking through the kitchen window, of a lovely countryside cottage garden with a nice little fishpond - which, of course, just had to have some lovely koi swimming in it!! My first ever pastel painting that was done purely from imagination, with no photographic reference material whatsoever.
  2. Today, I managed to get started on a new pastel painting. (Apart from finishing-off another one that I started last year sometime, this is my first art of 2012!!) The initial outline of my painting, at the end of the first session. Up until today, I had only ever painted from photographs. Photography is a hobby of mine and, as much as possible, I try to use my own photographs as reference material. However, my printer has been out of ink for some time and I have not been able to buy a replacement cartridge. So, today was different! For the first time ever, I started something purely from scratch, using nothing more than my imagination. Having just about run out of excuses, to put off the day when I knew I had to pick up a stick of pastel again; I attached a blank sheet of paper to my board. And then I sat there and just stared at it, refusing to leave my studio until a scene came into my mind and pastel had been applied to paper. At one point, I even considered taking-up abstract art painting! I thought about just putting a few random strokes of colour on the paper and then seeing what developed from that. Later, I almost started to attempt a mighty steam locomotive pulling a train past a station platform - which, for some reason, was going to be full of people completely wrapped-up in their cell phones... Anyway, a pretty tame scene that I knew I could handle purely from imagination, with no reference material at all, came to mind. It's nothing more than a simple view of a garden, as seen through the kitchen window of a country cottage with pink walls inside the kitchen. Not very ambitious, I know - but I just wanted to get started with something and I figured that it needed to be a simple scene... Maybe, once I get back into the swing of things, I can try something a little more ambitious? I have wanted for the longest time to be able to paint from memory and also from imagination. Now, just because my printer is out of ink, I have finally been forced to give it a try. This is not even the slightest hint of a shuffle for anyone else - but it is one massive leap for me!!
  3. The completion of my latest painting represents two 'firsts' for me! Firstly, having been struggling with issues of lack of inspiration, finding the time and actually being able to complete my previous painting, (started last year sometime) - this is my first complete painting of the year 2012 Secondly, this is my first ever painting that was not based on a photograph - and no photographic reference material was used - not even for the large (lily-like?) flower... The koi pond, right in the middle of that lovely, rough and very green cottage garden lawn was just my idea of a perfect view from my ideal kitchen window! Let me know what you think! Window With a View
  4. smb

    Window With A View

    From the album: Some more recent pastel paintings

    My first ever painting that was not based on a photograph! This is a purely fictitious scene that I just concocted-up in my imagination. It is supposed to be a view through an old country cottage window, somewhere in the South of England on a warm, sunny morning. The garden pool has some koi swimming around in it and the bench is just waiting for me to take out my coffee and sit on it to watch the koi! The Full 3.84MB image file of this painting can be downloaded in the ArtFreaks.com Downloads module If you wish to purchase the actual painting, you can check the ArtFreaks.com Store and see if it is still for sale
  5. From the album: Have a go!

    I thought the painting was already finished at this stage... Then I noticed that the window glass was just a bit too clean... (I wish I could get mine to look like that!!)
  6. From the album: Have a go!

    This painting was conceived in my imagination - my first painting ever, that has not been based on a photograph. See the entry regarding this painting on my blog at: A blank sheet of paper springs to life with something from my imagination!
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