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smb last won the day on July 5

smb had the most liked content!


About smb

  • Birthday May 1

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Manila, Philippines
  • Interests
    Brewing beer. Drinking beer.

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  1. And, if anyone is wondering where I have been... I've been off earning some money. So that I can continue to finance this website, amoung other things...
  2. Yes. Well... No more photos of one of those wooden statues with a cigarette up its bum!
  3. smb

    Box Tunnel

    Great photo. 'Love it!
  4. From one of the Business Class lounges on the 4th floor of T1, by the look of it?!!
  5. Deltics can also be smelly. But they are foregiven, due to the wonderful sound that they make - especially when they are pulling away, from a standing start!!
  6. And a stunning number of views - in rather a short space of time!!
  7. I was wondering why I was feeling like a second coffee - when I realized I hadn't even had the first one!

    It's an age thing...

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