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    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Golf, Socializing, Art

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  1. This art work is my fathers. He has not been doing well so I offered to get his artwork out to the masses. I hope you like it and please give any comments you may have. More here: Gallery -> Members own albums -> Cover
  2. Grandaddyearl


    Ink Drawings for sale. Each one has an inner meaning or hidden message with in if you look closely. You can see all at www.grandaddyearl.com
  3. Hello and welcome to ArtFreaks.com! You can get a free upgrade to the Full Members group, simply by uploading some art or photography, posting some comments or even just uploading a profile picture. Enjoy the site!

    1. Grandaddyearl


      Thanks. I am actually doing this for my father, he has been sick. my name is Heather and I appreciate all the feedback I can get

    2. smb


      Your Father's art is awesome! Welcome to the Full Members group and I hope your Father is doing OK

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