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Status Updates posted by smb

  1. One down - two to go! Waiting on weather now...

  2. Haha! Well maybe not so much cable work going on this weekend , then?! http://www.jma.go.jp/en/typh/15105c.html

  3. Let's go and fix some cables!

  4. ไม่อยากหายเกี่ยวกับคุณพลอย

  5. Hello and welcome to ArtFreaks.com! Congratulations on having managed to get through our anti-spam defenses and actually register a profile here! All you need to do now, in order to get full membership of the site and unrestricted posting rights is to post something in the Forums - or make a comment on on an image. That's the only way I can tell real people from computer spam bots apart, these days...

  6. Get a job with a company in the communications industry. Then spend three full days, just trying to open a single fb page! (Messages will not load at all... I will check these when we get into port and I can supply my own internet connection, thank you!!)

  7. On my way back to work! The good news is that I now have over 33,000 Air Miles with Philippine Airlines - which should be enough for a round trip to Bangkok next time! :D

  8. Loko lang ang mga telecos sa Pinas. Parehas lang na man sa UK. This one is from Globe. But they are all the same... 2 days into a so-called 5 days "surf all you can" package: "We noticed that your data usage has been REALLY high... bla bla bla" Right. 2.4 Gig. And I wasn't even downloading any porn. No problem. I have a lot of their SIM cards... Change SIM na lang... Buwisit!

  9. OK... Let's get this one straight... 555 is Thai for Ha Ha Ha! It has NOTHING to do with sardines in the Philippines, OK?! 55 :)

  10. 私わ貴方を愛してる Haha! Or 55, if you prefer! ;) ('Just trying-out a free trial version of some Japanese word processing software... ) http://www.njstar.com/cms/njstar-japanese-word-processor

  11. 私わあなたに愛してる Haha! Or 55, if you prefer! ;) ('Just trying-out a free trial version of some Japanese word processing software... ) http://www.njstar.com/cms/njstar-japanese-word-processor

  12. The hairs are standing-up on my back!! คิดถึงมากคุณพลอย Listening to: https://youtu.be/dbQQuqSKQos?list=RDSB34U56mcGg

  13. Guilty as charged! Riding a motorcycle on the pavement - (or sidewalk, if you insist?) Albeit as a passenger...

  14. Hello and welcome to ArtFreaks.com! Congratulations on having managed to get through our anti-spam defenses and actually register a profile here! All you need to do now, in order to get full membership of the site and unrestricted posting rights is to upload something sensible - or make a sensible comment on something. That's the only way I can tell real people from computer spam bots apart, these days...

    1. smb


      Thank you for uploading your art in the Forums. You are now a full member of the site.

  15. Life is good - especially when we choose to live it! :)

  16. Well... A nice evening was had at Spacegirl and Pit Stop. Ang bait na talaga ang mga maganda dian! :)

  17. Life without beer - is good!

  18. Ang galing!! :D

  19. Ang galing! Palakpakan na tayo!! :)

  20. เมื่อเช้าฝันดีเกี่ยวกับคุณ Ploylek ! This morning, I dreamed about Ploy... She had the tiniest bit of blood on her right index finger. I kissed her finger. Then we washed-off the blood. Then we kissed each other. So sweet!! :)

  21. Hay salamat! Ang LPA maging TD na! :Dhttp://www.jma.go.jp/en/gms/

  22. My dream is to become a translator! ความใฝ่ฝันของกูคือการเป็นนักแปล ภาษาไทยมาภาษาอังกฤษและภาษาญี่ปุ่นมาภาษาอังกฤษ Puwede rin, mula Tagalog hanggat sa English, di ba?!!! :)

    1. Eduardo


      Si, se puwede; yes you can!

    2. smb


      55! Thank you, Eduardo!! :D

  23. 55! I guess the search starts here! http://www.bangkokcaraudio.com/

  24. Well. I'm sorry. I don't have a frigging Microsoft account. Nor a Google one. And I don't want either. So I guess that counts me out on Line Corporation's so called fricking APP?!! Stuff APPS anyway! Whatever happened to good old-fashioned email?

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