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blog-0521030001339617217.jpgSeems lately that I have so many distractions that I find no time left to paint. First it took me quite a while to learn how to put up my own website. http://www.papadanart.com. This I finally accomplished with the help of yahoo's small business tools. You will not realize the accomplishment of building a website for a guy that still carries a dumb phone. :rofl:

Then we have the distractions of other folks, usually family, that think every little snag in their life should be a great emergency for ME.

These seekers of opinion do not realize that I gained my wisdom from making many of the same dumb mistakes that they are making.

Soon I know there will come a day that I can turn once again to my painting and the gradification it brings to me.

I hope to start another series. Maybe the last series(Crazy Island) is out of my system. I have no idea what the next series will be but I am sure it will be a learning experience for me.

Suffer through those anoying distractions that take us from our painting or whatever our method of expression may be. It just makes the return more enjoyable.

Have a great day. Papadan.



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  • Root Admin

Probably my biggest distraction when I am home on leave, is trying to run and keep up-to-date a dozen different membership websites. I am still very much on a 'learning curve' when it comes to the internet and the mechanics of making a website.

Still, the rainy season is here now in the Philippines, so it's not quite so hot indoors... I'm hoping to be able to get a bit more done with my latest project this weekend!

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Well, guys you are so lucky to have this distractions you have.

Imagine moving homes as the new home had to be scraped down and refurbished completely for just a mount time.

Most of the things done by myself with a bit of a help of plumber and tiler.

It is done and that was the greatest time I had for years.

Now back to drawing and paintings.

Great Fun.

caricatures from photos

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