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Jim Winsor

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Jim Winsor last won the day on February 20

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About Jim Winsor

  • Birthday 01/12/1953

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  • Location
    Harrowsmith Ontario Canada
  • Interests
    Ship related photography

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  1. Happy birthday, Jim!

  2. Thank God for this site as I would have lost 90% of my photos not being able to get on Facebook anymore!

    1. Jim Winsor

      Jim Winsor

      Lots more excellent photos to come in the little while.

    2. smb


      'Looking forward to seeing them!

      (See! At least I looked after your old ones for you!!) :)

  3. Found my password ok. Please see my message I sent you on messenger

  4. Its about a 34 Ford Roadster Vic. Its seen here Verona Ontario Canada Classic Car Show. 2019
  5. Oh hell Vic there are a LOT more better than this one yet to come!!!
  6. Here you will find all the various types of ships on the Great Lakes of North America. Some have long since gone to the bone yard and many others are still sailing (older ones) under different names and with different Great Lakes Companies. The main types here are either straight deck bulk carriers - meaning they depend on a shore based unloading facility for means of unloading their cargo. Such as coal,grain or iron ore pellets. Many others seen here are of the self unloading variety. Meaning they have a fixed unloading belt drive system to discharge their cargo to the shore facility.
  7. Jim Winsor


    Thanks Joy finally someone other than smb is liking stuff!!
  8. Love this place Vic Such a beautiful city I will never get there in my lifetime!
  9. This is the Welland Canal Vic between lock 2 and lock 3.
  10. I love the old rods the best!
  11. Jim Winsor


    My Brothers 1957 Chevy Nomad

    © Jimmy Winsor

  12. Jim Winsor


    The City Of Kingston Ontario Canada and the surrounding area homes are very rich in history.Mainly constructed of limestone and the further away you get from Kingston they are then constructed from sandstone.Next to the "BIG RIGS" this is my favorite subject to photograph.It will be twice as good now with my new Canon SX 30 IS.
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