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Status Updates posted by FunkyBoy

  1. I'm still alive.

    Check out my uploads! I've been busy...

  2. Hi all,

    Wishing you all a merry christmas, hope y'all have a wonderful time and laugh and grow fat from feasting!

    I want to thank everyone who's viewed my art, commented and reacted, I super appreciate it!

    Stay safe

    1. smb


      Merry Christmas!!

    2. FunkyBoy


      You too! Hope you had a good one.

  3. Been silent for a while, big update just got a new laptop FINALLY! So expect much larger, more detailed, better work :P

    1. smb


      'Looking  forward to seeing it!

  4. Oi, Oi, been away a while, mental health is a struggle but I've got about 6 or more new works on the way... Yeeey! 

    1. smb


      Welcome back!

  5. Hey boys and girls, I'm doing a music project with my brother. I'm writing some songs and doing vocals, here is one of our first with my vocals and his writing: https://legionofweasels.bandcamp.com/track/frey-fyfe-2

    Be warned it is metal.

    1. smb



  6. Hey all hope you are well,

    I know my updates and uploads here are slow and few in-between! I hope you are all doing well during this time of chaos, I myself have been knuckling down on both art and miniatures and have had my other time stolen by immersive games. My pc recently developed a fault that, if I leave it on too long or try and use anything that's not super low on requiments, it goes to blue screen and one of the hard drives which is the one with my OS is failing... I've just got an old family laptop so will be using that but setting everything up takes time. However fear not, I hope to be back in force soon with new stuff and updates to all my old messy content.

    Take care.

    In the Machine God and the God Emperor we trust

    1. smb


      Good luck with setting up the spare laptop. I know what you mean about how time consuming it is. Well, I finally got off the prison ship. 'Just got back to the UK yesterday - to a glorious summer afternoon. Today it feels more like a glorious British winter!

    2. FunkyBoy


      That's  British weather all year round, grey cold and wet, just the way we like it :p 

  7. BOOM! Have not updated in a while, but I've been busy, much more to come shortly. Cheers for the views and the faves! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. smb


      In the Philippines, they call me "bad grass." (Weeds, that is - as opposed to "weed..." IE, very hard to get rid of!!) :rofl:

    3. smb


      By the way... As one of the founding members of artfreaks.com - and certainly one of the most patient with the site over the years, I am going to honor you with your avatar on the icon for the Member's own albums category of the Gallery... Whether you like it or not!! :)

    4. FunkyBoy


      I'm so bad at noticing stuff like this, I'm so sorry! 3 months gosh.. Anyway, I thank you kindly! That is an honor!

  8. Alright everyone, UK's just went into lockdown due to the C Virus, I know a good few of you are over seas where shit is much worse.

    I hope you all are doing okay, stay isolated, stay strong we'll all get through this one way or another.

    Take care everyone!!

    1. smb


      You take care too!! And people... Don't get too stressed... It is important to observe the lock-down rules for the time-being, in order to prevent the National Health Service from becoming overwhelmed. But it seems that a substantial part of the UK population may already be immune. (New research from Oxford University... See my latest post in my "Dreaded Lurgy" thread in the forums...)

      'Too early to get over-excited just yet - but there is definitely a glimmer of hope!! :)

      The moral of the story, keep your immune system in peak condition - (so no stress!!) - and keep your hands clean at all times.


  9.  Battle Brothers and Sisters, I am returned! With that, expect the increase in both Digital Art and more images [Hopefully of better quality] of my Miniature work. I've got a lot to do on both sides, so let us pray to the God Emperor that I can keep a constant pace. 

     " Only in death does duty end. "

    1. smb


      Welcome back!!

      I am going to be working off the coast of Somalia for the next severel weeks. Internet will be poor at best... I'll drop by the site whenever I get the chance!

    2. FunkyBoy


      Oh gosh, do take care! Hopefully there will be lots of new stuff if/when you can check. :D

    3. smb


      We are all battle brothers and sisters now ?

  10. Time Away.

    Battle Brothers and Sisters, Due to some personal issues and the upcoming "Holiday" period, I've not been quite as active as I'd like. Due to said Holiday period, I shall be away for about 3 weeks or so, however when I return, I will be uploading more miniature work, getting back to trying to get at least one art piece done a week and will start to seriously consider changing my commission stuff from art, to miniature focus to see if it has any results. By the grace of the God Emperor of Mankind, I wish you all an acceptable holiday season and hope you will remain vigilant and steadfast for what is to come in the year of 2020.

    " It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself. "

    1. smb


      Very good!! 'Look forward to seeing you in about three weeks, then!

  11. Another Warhammer enthusiast! Hail, Battle Brother!

  12. "Wait! I still function...!"

    1. smb


      Very good!! Keep it up!

  13. Thank you for all the likes in my gallery!

    1. Angry Dragon

      Angry Dragon

      Thank you for posting in the Gallery!

      Now... can we please have some more image titles, descriptions  and keywords (tags) in that latest lot that you just uploaded?!!

      Thanks! :)

    2. FunkyBoy


      Indeed we can.

  14. Traitors, Heretics, Friends, Foes and all the dregs of humanity in between.

    After 9/10 months of relentless bullshit and some of the lowest points in my life I've finally managed to land a job I'm actually interested in doing, not only that I'll be moving home back to the town I came from and having a fresh, brand new start on life.

    So, expect even less artwork from me than usual! Hopefully once things have settled and the dust clears, I'll be able to get back to it with a renewed purpose and fill your lives with more bio-mechanical, cyborg, violence fuelled bullshit.

    Wish me luck in this new endeavour of re-starting my life again! 

    Machine God be praised.

    1. smb


      Good luck!! Maybe, by the time you get back into it, artfreaks.com might even have a new life!

    2. FunkyBoy


      One can hope my friend, one can hope!

  15. I'm not dead! Just a bit of a hiatus.

  16. WOO! I won a thing! In October! Most liked content, get iiinn! Thanks folks.

  17. Hey man, thanks for all the kind words on my recent uploads.

    1. smb


      You're welcome! And thanks for uploading your art!

    2. FunkyBoy


      Always a pleasure.


    I'm still alive...! Kinda. 

  19. http://zauberlich.carbonmade.com/ - My professional website, contact me if you're interested in my work.
  20. I'm alive again! Back and slappin' up some new art!

    1. smb


      Welcome back!

    2. FunkyBoy


      Cheers dude.

  21. New work on the way, Batman Vs Iron Man and more Blood Storm, stay tuned!

  22. Thinking of doing some fan art, a somewhat dark take on Batman, Thor, Iron Man or a fairy tale character, any ideas/suggestions?

  23. BOOM! Back with an Art stack!

  24. Fresh uploads to my Silent Hill Comic section. Please check themout and comment if you so wish!

    1. smb


      All good stuff!

    2. smb


      Hey, I have just renewed my registration for MangaVibe.com

      So the site is still in the pipeline...

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