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lonvig last won the day on November 12 2019

lonvig had the most liked content!

About lonvig

  • Birthday 02/27/1949

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hedensted in Denmark, Scandinavia
  • Interests
    Design of houses

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Nil Point! (1/8)



  1. X-factor luxurious house in Hedensted, Denmark is for sale. See: www.hedensted-villa.dk and www.lilienhoff.dk Contact: Real Estate Agent: thomas@lilienhoff.dk
  2. Look at the beautiful condition of the lawn grass!
  3. Wooden decking patio area with outdoor seating and containerized plants - beautifully designed, quiet place to relax.
  4. Modern Danish design. The "creative" room for arts, crafts and hobbies
  5. Art gallery and design studio with a view
  6. The best of Danish design and architecture
  7. The modern Danish design and architecture in this open-plan spise studio or dining room
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