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  1. ...with a work in progress! I have deliberately reduced this image so that I can use it as the category cover photo for the Art - (Group albums) category cover photo. A simple icon would have done the trick - but I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that! (Maybe, if I ask ask Pam, nicely?!!) :)
  2. My first choice for a pastel paper would have to be any decent, heavy-duty hand-made watercolor paper... Strong and rough with nice jagged edges!! India produces some really excellent papers of this type and they are well-worth looking out for the next time you visit a professional artist's store. A very close second and, in some ways, also my first choice is Waterford Watercolor, Rough After that; anything with plenty of 'tooth' to hold the pastels - and strong enough to withstand some scraping and a lot of water and fixatives. (Rather than buying pre-coloured pastel papers, I tend to make a watercolor wash using pastels and a wet paint brush to create my initial background colors, layout and color scheme... after that, I always go over the top with fixatives - except in the final layer where I never use them.) Canson Me Tientes pastel papers are readily available in the Philippines, where I live - but I find that they are not really strong enough to withstand the kind of rough-handling that my style of painting demands. However, because they come in a wide variety of colors, they are great for when I want to really force myself to go easy on the application of pastel and to try and keep to a more traditional style of pastel painting with at least a bit of the original paper color showing through.
  3. I am considering trying to sell the two works in my pastels folder at a local art fair. 1. does anyone think they may sell, 2, what would be a realistic price, they are both on A3 pastel paper
  4. Originally posted in the forums: May 10 2006, 08:36 PM I've been getting a bit carried away with my pastels lately. Here's a fairly recent painting that I was quite proud of: This was based on a newspaper photograph, depicting a couple of children trying to keep warm around a camp fire after an earthquake in Nepal.
  5. Originally posted in the Forums: Nov 13 2006, 03:51 AM Oh, Here's one that I didn't burn... A sexy, very pretty blonde girl with lovely breasts!! I know that most people will think it is a pretty corny painting but, who gives a damn?! I enjoyed doing it, and I like it! And, I have to admit, it was done mostly in Rembrandts... So why am I getting hot under the collar about Rembrandts? Because I have completely run out of my Schmingke SOFT pastels, I can't afford to order any more over the internet, at the moment - and I couldn't have done this... without them! ...Reason being that the above painting uses a lot of acrylic modelling paste, mixed with sand, in order to get the textures for the grass and the rocks. If you try to use anything other than a really soft pastel for this, when you try to cover up the sanded modelling paste, most of the pastel ends up as dust on the floor. And, if you are not careful, you can wear your fingers down to the bone!!
  6. 456 downloads

    Here is a free WinZip file with a collection of 25 of my very first (and extremely crude!) attempts at pastel painting. The zip file has been uploaded, more as a means of testing the feasability and usefulness of the whole zip thing with the Downloads module of ArtFreaks.com. I would be very interested to hear from anyone who has trouble extracting the individual image files from this zip archive.
  7. smb


    This tip is from Jennifer Blenkinsopp at ArtWanted.com:
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