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It is the 12th time. The 12th time that I made a motif for a award winning company. The award is the Danish Industry InitiativeAward 2009. The company is the Fittings Specialist in Fredericia, Denmark. It was a couple of months ago. As always I initiate the job by talking to the CEO. His name is Finn Roy, and he thorowly informed me about products, organisation, etc. We managed to drink three cups of coffee. The chemistry between us was right. Now you must see the robot, Finn



100 % organicl kids' fairy tale inspired clothing now in the stores in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Germany...

New organic kids' clothing brand LONVIG by MINYMO, based on Danish fairy tale writer and illustrator Asbjorn Lonvig's fairy tales and fairy tale characters, is now in stores and internet stores. Size 74 to 110. The autumn 2008 line introduces the fairy tale character Bernhard, a whimsical monkey. See more about it on www.LONVIG-by-MINYMO.com. Among other things you can read and download the fairy tales. See where you can buy the kids' clothing - in stores or internet stores -



Synergetic Effects

I am an International Commercial Counselor writing on behalf of the World of Art Award* winning artist, designer and fairy tale writer Asbjorn Lonvig. Lonvig has a very unique background as a trained Software Engineer by IBM and is world renowned for his determined use of IT and Internet in art, design and fairy tale writing. Lonvig works in simple shapes and bright colours. His Artist Statement is:



Interactive Lecture....

Today I am excited. Very excited! Tomorrow I'll make my first Interactive Lecture. The only thing I need is a projector and a fast line to the internet. The only thing I bring is myself. On the internet I have made 1950 web pages to choose from. And as every image on these pages represents one or several stories my lecture can go on for ever. In the past I have made a lot of lectures. In schools, in universities, in companies, in associations, in counties, in municipalities -



How to communicate through pictures...

Wouldn't any of us like to know how? An artist try to communicate. Through writing. Through music. Through movies. Through pictures. Through..... Sometimes he succeeds. Sometimes he does not. When his expectation are high - he might not communicate at all. When his expectations are low - he might communicate excellently. Every artist has his own recipe. Mine - for example - is simple shapes and bright colors. Even when I write. Even when I ....... You c



Search Engine Strategies for Success: 2006

by John Wooton Author and Creator, <a href="http://seojournal05.blogspot.com/">The SEO Journal Blog</a> and Asbjorn Lonvig.<br> <IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-22-sofus-sund-oekonomi.jpg" ALT="artblog-22-sofus-sund-oekonomi (7k image)" align= "left" hspace="10" HEIGHT=150 WIDTH=145>Readers of my latest Art News Artblog have asked me to write about how I got a relatively good presence on the internet. Yesterday's statistics: 150,000 hits on Google.co



Revival of the Art Poster...

<a href="http://www.lonvig.dk/print-on-demand.htm"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-20-1-cathedral-square-200.jpg" TITLE="1 cathedral square, Aarhus, Denmark, Septimus Severus, Forum Romanus, Rome, Antique Rome, Italy, asbjorn lonvig" ALT="1 cathedral square, Aarhus, Denmark, Septimus Severus, Forum Romanus, Rome, Antique Rome, Italy, asbjorn lonvig" ALIGN="right" HSPACE="10" HEIGHT=139 WIDTH=200></a><span style="font-weight:bold;">The art poster is dead.&l



Digital Prints on Canvas???

I would like to ask your opinion. Once an art work has been digitized you can print it. Usually you print on paper. Or cloth. Or plastic. Or.... <IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-25-printer.jpg" ALT="artblog-25-printer (8k image)" HEIGHT=112 WIDTH=150 align="left" hspace="10">On this huge printer I can print in nearly any size. On several surfaces. One of them is canvas.<br clear=all> <IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://blog.absolutearts.com/blogs/archi



My Art Portal or User Portal Concept...

A user portal is a portal for one specific user,<br>a country, a city, a municipality, a museum, a company etc.<br>It shows and it has links to those art works that might be relevant to that specific user.<br>The User Portal logo is the arch of Septimus Severus in Forum Romanum, Rome.<br><br>Why User Portals?<br>The short and simple answer is to serve my customers better and to seve customers that are not familiar with computers, with internet etc.<br>&l



Corporate valuez..zzzz...

See <span style="font-weight:bold;">CORPORATE VALUES</span> by Michael Juul Jensen at the end of this article. Corporate values - it sounds boring. Corporate valuez..zzzz... Storytelling has recently been the buzzword in management. I went to a couple of storytelling seminars - zzzz..ztorytelling zzzz..zeminars!!! Did you know that Pfizer Inc. has shown great interest in the combination of corporate values and storytelling as a sedative drug for those who suffer from ins



Letter to European Parliament...

<IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-27-hi-world-fairy-tale-en-eu.jpg" ALT="artblog-27-hi-world-fairy-tale-en-eu (29k image)" HEIGHT=250 WIDTH=192 align="right" hspace=5 vspace=5>Margrete Auken, MEP - Member of the European Parliament<br>B



Racing Cars - The Art Dimension...

New Article: Racing Cars - The Art Dimension... The newly opened art museum ARoS Denmark presents a large, artistic total installation on Formula One and Le Mans racing cars. With this world premiere of the unique meeting between art and racing cars, ARoS focuses on the sculptural and aesthetic dimensions of the cars



Who is Aros - who is Bill...

Yesterday I visited Aros. <span style="font-weight:bold;">Who is Aros?</span> What is Aros? An operating system to an Amiga computer? The best of Scottish Music, Books, Culture and Heritage? A golf club in V



Matisse and Louisiana...

<IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-face-small.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-face-small (5k image)" HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=78 align="left" hspace="10">You sure know Henri Matisse. And you sure know Louisiana. But it is not that Louisiana I think of. In Denmark there is an art museum called Louisiana. <a href="http://www.louisiana.dk/">Louisiana</a>'>http://www.louisiana.dk/">Louisiana</a> Museum of Modern Art.<br clear=all><br> <span styl



New Carlsberg Glyptotek...

This Friday I visited the New Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark known for the statue of the Little Mermaid. I came to Copenhagen very early in the morning. I had dropped my son off at Copenhagen Airport for a transatlantic flight. Copenhagen was still asleep. Baresso, my favorite coffee shop, opened at 7.30 a.m. So. I spent some time sightseeing before breakfast.<br><br><div style="text-align: center;"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lon



A whole playground of playhouses...

<IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-19-playhouse-square.jpg" ALT="artblog-19-playhouse-square (28k image)" hspace="10" align="left" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=200>Last time I wrote to you it was about a playhouse inspired by Gaudi. I asked why not build a Picasso playhouse? A Miro playhouse? A Matisse playhouse? Do you know the Austrian painter Hunderdwasser? A Hundredwasser playhouse would be great fun. And a Salvador Dali playhouse?<br clear=all> Ed Baron from Ba



Playhouse inspired by Gaudi...

<IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-17-playhouse-square.jpg" ALT="artblog-17-playhouse-square (28k image)" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=200 align="right" hspace="10">In my family you do not buy a playhouse. You design it and you build it yourself. This one is for Morten's daughters, Lucca and Laura. Originally our plans were a playhouse with 6 walls - a hexagon. And a tower, from which you have a wide view. A gazebo. Morten and I were a little relieved when some strong female i



Merchandise...On-demand manufacturing...

Someone once told me that putting reproductions of art on sweatshirts, or carry-on bags is to bastardize artists' work.<br>Bastardize!<br>Last time we met I told you about my <a href="http://www.lonvig.org/portal-en.htm">Art Portals</a>.<br>Phase 2 of my Art Portal project is to bastardize every single of my art works on the Art Portals.<br>Bastardize is - as you might have guessed - not at all my favorite term for this.<br>I call it merchandise.<br&g



Fairy Tales in a new Medium - Fairy Tale Posters...

The concept is quite simple.<br>One language at a time.<br>One main fairy tale character.<br>The text of the fairy tale with illustrations.<br>That's it.<br><br>The Fairy Tale Poster lives side by side with the internet version<br>of the <a href="http://www.lonvig.dk/lucca.htm">written fairy tale</a>, which can be downloaded in a Word document and<br>form a tiny children's book.<br><br><br>I'll show you 5 samples of Fa



A National Gallery, a Dutchman called Rembrandt and HIGHLIGHTS

<IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-23-rembrandt-old-man-index.jpg" ALT="artblog-23-rembrandt-old-man-index (3k image)" align="left" HEIGHT=108 WIDTH=88><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-23-rembrandt-crusader-index.jpg" ALT="artblog-23-rembrandt-crusader-index (3k image)" hspace="7" align="left" HEIGHT=108 WIDTH=88>A few years ago I rushed out of a room in Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy. Gesticulating to my family, there are three Rembrandts - hanging si



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