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Merchandise...On-demand manufacturing...




Someone once told me that putting reproductions of art on sweatshirts, or carry-on bags is to bastardize artists' work.<br>Bastardize!<br>Last time we met I told you about my <a href="http://www.lonvig.org/portal-en.htm">Art Portals</a>.<br>Phase 2 of my Art Portal project is to bastardize every single of my art works on the Art Portals.<br>Bastardize is - as you might have guessed - not at all my favorite term for this.<br>I call it merchandise.<br>I could not agree less with the phrase bastardize.<br>I call it to communicate the essence of a good art work to as many people as possible.<br>So Phase 2 of my Art Portal Project is to create merchandise products based on my art works.<br><br>Now I needed a piece of software:<br>that could help med create merchandise products<br>that could exhibit my merchandise products<br>that could allow me to exhibit the merchandise products on my Art Portals<br>that could receive orders and payment from the customers<br>that could allow the customers to customize the merchandise product<br>that could produce the customized merchandise product on-demand (...let us call it <span style="font-weight:bold;">on-demand manufacturing</span>)<br>that could send the product to the customer.<br><br>Until now my Art Portals have dealt with on-demand printing.<br>My ambition to create merchandise products on-line for sale on the internet presumes <span style="font-weight:bold;">on-demand manufacturing</span>.<br>I want to create T-shirts, mugs, posters, greeting cards, postcards, hats, bags ties aprons, ties, mouse pads, stickers, bottons etc. based on existing art works.<br><br>I have been looking around.<br>In Europe.<br>In Asia.<br>In Australia.<br>In Africa.<br>In South America.<br><br>And of course I found my piece of software in North America.<br>

In The United States, in San Jose - in Silicon Valley.<br>This piece of software is made by real computer nerds.<br>Technically it is second to none.<br>It's called zazzle.com.<br>My new name is <a href="http://zazzle.com/lonvig*">zazzle.com/lonvig*</a><br>The users of zazzle.com are young creative people with a substantial computer background and as far as I can tell most of the users are from north-west United States and south-west Canada.<br>I can use the technical superciliousness of zazzle.com and make it user friendly by integrating it into my Art Portals.<br>I found zazzle.com on 13 January 2007.<br>So far I have made 700 merchandise products and integrated these products into my Art Portals.<br>My goal is 1000 merchandise products.<br>No more talk.<br>Let me show you some samples.<br>I hope there are no rules aginst using shockwave-flash technique here - so, let's take advantage of being on-line!!!<br>The PANELs below are the PANELs shown on each of my Art Portals.<br>The merchandice products in the PANELs are shown with the most popular product first.<br><br><br><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-weight:bold;">Aarhus City</span> <a href="http://www.lonvig.org/aarhus-city.htm">Art Portal</a> with 7 motifs.<br>See the th 55 or more merchandise products in <a href="http://www.zazzle.com/lonvig/find/cg-196371053717433839">San Jose</a><br>and in the Panel below<br><br><embed wmode="transparent" src="http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/zp.swf?cn=238564564253224749&qs=aarhus%2Bcity&st=POPULARITY&tl=Aarhus+City&skn=default&ch=lonvig" FlashVars="feedId=0&path=http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/skins" width="450" height="300" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">Shanghai Chambers of Commerce</span> <a href="http://www.lonvig.org/shanghai-chambers-of-commerce.htm">Art Portal</a> with 2 motifs.<br>See the 7 or more merchandise products in <a href="http://www.zazzle.com/lonvig/find/cg-196642642746966159">San Jose</a><br>and in the Panel below<br><br><embed wmode="transparent" src="http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/zp.swf?cn=238564564253224749&qs=shanghai&st=POPULARITY&tl=Shanghai&skn=default&ch=lonvig" FlashVars="feedId=0&path=http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/skins" width="450" height="300" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">The Dansih Parliament</span> <a href="http://www.lonvig.org/the-danish-parliament.htm">Art Portal</a> with 6 motifs.<br>See the 26 or more merchandise products in <a href="http://www.zazzle.com/lonvig/find/cg-196801241221324926">San Jose</a><br>and in the PANEL below<br><br><embed wmode="transparent" src="http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/zp.swf?cn=238564564253224749&qs=christiansborg&st=POPULARITY&tl=The+Danish+Parliament&skn=default&ch=lonvig" FlashVars="feedId=0&path=http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/skins" width="450" height="300" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">The Guggenheim Museum </span><a href="http://www.lonvig.org/guggenheim.htm">Art Portal </a>with 3 motifs.<br>See the 18 or more merchandise products in <a href="http://www.zazzle.com/lonvig/search/guggenheim">San Jose</a><br>and in the PANEL below<br><br><embed wmode="transparent" src="http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/zp.swf?cn=238564564253224749&qs=guggenheim&st=POPULARITY&tl=Guggenheim&skn=default&ch=lonvig" FlashVars="feedId=0&path=http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/skins" width="450" height="300" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">The BG Bank </span><a href="http://www.lonvig.org/bg-bank.htm">Art Portal </a>with 7 motifs.<br>See the 26 or more merchandise products in <a href="http://www.zazzle.com/lonvig/search/bgbankhq">San Jose</a><br>and in the PANEL below<br><br><embed wmode="transparent" src="http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/zp.swf?cn=238564564253224749&qs=bgbankhq&st=POPULARITY&tl=BG+Bank&skn=default&ch=lonvig" FlashVars="feedId=0&path=http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/skins" width="450" height="300" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">The Children's Museum </span>(...my fairy tale characters) <a href="http://www.lonvig.org/childrens-museum.htm">Art Portal</a> with 26 motifs.<br>See the 131 or more merchandise products in <a href="http://www.zazzle.com/lonvig/search/fairy+tale">San Jose</a><br>and in the PANEL below<br><br><embed wmode="transparent" src="http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/zp.swf?cn=238564564253224749&qs=fairy%2Btale&st=POPULARITY&tl=Fairy+Tale+Characters&skn=default&ch=lonvig" FlashVars="feedId=0&path=http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/skins" width="450" height="300" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">Finally for your entertainment (US citizens only)</span><br>Zazzle.com is authorized to approve US Postal stamps.<br>So far I have made 50 or more stamps for all you guys in The US.<br>I would be very happy to know if any of you US citicens intend to use my stamps.<br>See them in the PANEL below<br>and you might order the stamps in a sheet of 20 in <a href="http://www.zazzle.com/lonvig/search/zazzelstamp">San Jose</a><br><br><embed wmode="transparent" src="http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/zp.swf?cn=238564564253224749&qs=zazzelstamp&st=POPULARITY&tl=US+Postal+Stamps&skn=default&ch=lonvig" FlashVars="feedId=0&path=http://www.zazzle.com/assets/swf/zp/skins" width="450" height="300" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed><br><br></div><div style="text-align: left;">

You might have seen 5 stars under a motif in the PANELs above - that's visitor's ratings.<br>If you want to see more PANELs you have to explore them yourself on <a href="http://www.lonvig.org/portal-en.htm">Art Portals</a>.<br>Or you might explore them on an <a href="http://www.lonvig.dk/art-news-artblog-30.htm">extended version</a> of this blog entry on my web site.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">Thoughts</span><br>I know I have to be aware of my own fascination of technically good software due to my past as a software engineer.<br>zazzle.com is technically good software.<br>I have to see the software as a tool and only bring is along if it is possible to make it user friendly.<br>I look forward to see what happens with Phase 2 of my Art Portals project.<br>Phase 2, which implements merchandise by on-demand manufacturing.</div><br><br><br>



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