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Matisse and Louisiana...




<IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-face-small.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-face-small (5k image)" HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=78 align="left" hspace="10">You sure know Henri Matisse.

And you sure know Louisiana.

But it is not that Louisiana I think of.

In Denmark there is an art museum called Louisiana.

<a href="http://www.louisiana.dk/">Louisiana</a>'>http://www.louisiana.dk/">Louisiana</a> Museum of Modern Art.<br clear=all><br>

<span style="font-weight:bold;">Chicago Cultural Center</span>

Some years ago I was promoting my stuff in Chicago.

I visited the <a href="http://egov.cityofchicago.org/city/webportal/portalEntityHomeAction.do?entityName=Cultural+Center&entityNameEnumValue=128">Chicago Cultural Center</a> and talked to the director.

She was a size large wonderful African-American, age fifty I guess.

I remember she loved my Paris motifs.

I told her, that I was from Denmark.

Ohhhh Yeaaaah! Louisiana!

And she leaned back and entered a state of dreaming.

She told me that it was the best museum of modern art in Europe.

She told me about the interaction between the art museum and nature.

She told me about the great view from the museum, which is placed on the brink of the sound between Denmark and Sweden.

She told me about Louisiana's ability to show great art.

She told me about Louisiana's ability to show great artists.

She told me about Louisiana's ability to communicate this great art to the visitors.

An art museum that she surely wanted to see again.

And I visit Louisiana myself frequently.

For exactly the same reasons as my African-American friend.<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">Lousiana map and photos</span>

You have to go there to experience the atmosphere.

Nature and art.

Art and nature.

But the photos might give you a hint of what my friend in Chicago meant.<br><br><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-map.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-map (22k image)" HEIGHT=320 WIDTH=520 align="left" hspace="10"><br clear=all><br><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-view.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-map (22k image)" HEIGHT=116 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><br clear=all><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-architecture-stairs.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-architecture-stairs (7k image)" HEIGHT=150 WIDTH=118 hspace="5" vspace="5"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-architecture-tree.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-architecture-tree (8k image)" HEIGHT=150 WIDTH=120 hspace="5" vspace="5"><br clear=all><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-architecture-wood.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-architecture-wood (7k image)" HEIGHT=120 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-architecture-bridge.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-architecture-bridge (7k image)" HEIGHT=117 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-architecture-wing.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-architecture-wing (8k image)" HEIGHT=118 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><br clear=all><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-sculpture-hall.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-sculpture-hall (8k image)" HEIGHT=111 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-galleri.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-galleri (5k image)" HEIGHT=105 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-cafe.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-cafe (6k image)" HEIGHT=105 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><br clear=all><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-indgang.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-indgang (5k image)" HEIGHT=115 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-cafe-2.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-cafe-2 (6k image)" HEIGHT=113 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-view-from-sound.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-view-from-sound (4k image)" HEIGHT=107 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://www.lonvig.dk/artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-koncert-hall.jpg" ALT="artblog-18-louisiana-arkitektur-koncert-hall (6k image)" HEIGHT=105 WIDTH=150 hspace="5" vspace="5"><br clear=all><br>See about the Louisiana Architecture and the <a href="http://www.louisiana.dk/">Louisiana Collection at the Louisiana web site</a>.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">Matisse - a second life</span>Louisiana and Muse



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