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  • Root Admin

Nice work! It would be great if you could also make yourself an album and upload these to the Members Gallery.

See this for a quick-start guide:


The advantages of making your own albums in the Forums > Gallery are that:

1) Users of the site get to see the intermediate images. (Particularly useful for those on very slow internet connections... The intermediate images display much quicker than the full images...) I am using Firefox 3.6.4 with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768px on my home PC - and the only way I can view your images in their entirety is by switching to the Mobile skin of the forums... (When using the default ArtFreaks skin and I click on the thumbnails, the images are too big for my computer screen and I can only see a part of the image at any one time. The Gallery automatically takes care of this by reducing the images to fit the users monitor screen...)

2) Members can comment on your images.

3) You can see how many times each image has been viewed.

4) You can insert the intermediate images into your blog.

5) Users can view your images as a slide-show.

6) Until another member uploads any images, the thumbnails for yours will display at the top of the index page to the forums. When anyone clicks on the thumbnails, it will take them to your image in the Gallery.

7) A few more, that I can't immediately think of right now!!

For the full hi-res images, you can also use the Downloads module of the Forums. (Great for members who want to print-off a nice copy of your work, to display in their home or office!)

The choice is yours.

Happy posting and enjoy the site! :)

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