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Status Updates posted by smb

  1. The new Bravo 6 all black skin. (Am I allowed to say that?)  It is awesome. Try it out!! :D


    1. smb


      And the Thai language version is coming soon... Why? Because I can!:rofl:

    2. smb


      Same same but different.

      Can !!

  2. Everything posted by 私を愛してUenoyamame

    So far... NOTHING!! Nada... Wala... Not a sausage!!

  3. Hey! New site themes and languages. Check 'em out!

    It's alright... I've just been getting bored with all this lock-down shit and lack of more useful work and stuff...

  4. Hello! And welcome to artfreaks.com!!

  5. What a humdinger?!!

    Now, when I look at this site on my cellphone, I can't even log-in unless I go to the desktop site...

  6. Anong nangyari?!! :shok:

  7. Anong nangyari?!! :shok:

  8. Welcome to the site!

  9. Hello and welcome to artfreaks.com!

    I hope you will enjoy the site. :)

  10. Hello and welcome to the site!

    Could you kindly update your profile with a little bit of information, so that we can see who you are?


  11. It would be nice to see you back at artfreaks.com, some time!

  12. Welcome to the site!

  13. Nice photos!

    Why don't you come back to artfreaks.com?!!

  14. 19th April, 2020 - the day I actually finished reading my first full length Thai novel.

  15. smb

    Oh! Long time, no see! Welcome back!!

    1. Rexus


      thanks my friend.. now making music and youtube videos :)

  16. Welcome back! 'Long time no see!! :)

    1. Eddie Huertas

      Eddie Huertas

      Been busy washing hands???

    2. smb


      Very good! Keep it up!! :good:

  17. Right guys and gals! 'Time to stop all this nonsense and get back to work!! (I've seen enough blind panic and stupidity to last me a lifetime...)

  18. Well... Something in the news today actually made me smile! A Financial Times reporter, in an article she wrote about the difficulties she was having when trying to use cash, after having lost her wallet... It seems that people in the UK these days won't touch cash with a barge pole. (In case it is contaminated...??!???)

    Whilst waiting for her replacement credit card to arrive, she had to ask her Dad for some help... (to make a payment for her, using his own credit card...)

    Hehe...!! Well, that's what Dad's are for!!! :)

  19. Well... 'Just finished a two month job working on a project off the coast of Somalia. This is usually a time for getting all excited about going home but, now, who knows when I will make it back there?

    I'm still at stage one: shock/denial - and the tragedy is only just beginning...

    Time for some prayers. And a little bit less of the old blind panic. And a lot more international cooperation, if you please?

  20. Yeah... Well... Ummm... Let's all panic and pretend that, not only is corona virus 100% instantly fatal in all cases - but there is nothing else in the world that we can possibly catch and even if we did, none of these other diseases are even half as bad as corona beer, sorry, VIRUS!!!!

    And we are all going to get it and the end of the world is just around the corner?!!!    :help:

    Have another beer!

    Cheers!! :drinks:

  21. UK figures, rough, annual, from a quick Google search:
    Deaths due to flu complications: 600 - and anything up to 10,000 in a really bad year.
    Road accident fatalities: 1784 - about 5 a day, on average. Injuries, obviously, are way higher (160.378 reported in 2018)
    Deaths due to cancer: 165,000
    Deaths due to heart attack and other circulatory problems (including, presumably, stroke?): 165,000
    Deaths due to stroke alone: 32,000
    And for the USA:
    Approximately 1.5 million heart attacks and strokes occur every year in the United States. More than 800,000 people in the United States die from cardiovascular disease each year—that's 1 in every 3 deaths, and about 160,000 of them occur in people under age 65.
    I don't particularly want bird flu, or SARS, or corona virus - or any other kind of bug - but let's keep these things in perspective.
  22. Well... I don't often pray - but I am praying now...

    No more war.

  23. I love the Philippines, really... (Joke!!) :rofl:

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