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    When you think of art whats the first thing that comes to your mind??? the correct answer is...EVERYTHING.everything is art nothing on this earth could be possible without art, i look at any and everything as an "art opportunity". and i guess this is why im getting better and better everyday. here is a challenge i want you to do. i do this everyday at school. next time you see an object by itself i want you to draw it. it can be as simple as a cup, but draw it 5 times, the first time drawing it as it is and the next 4 times drawing t different than before. don't get frustrated if it didn't turn out how you wanted it to. there is no such things as mistakes in art only mis-perception.this activity will start to really spark your imagination and increase your ability. in about a weeks time you will see yourself free-handing better than when you started!!! send me comments on ideas to help an artist or tell me how this little activity helped you.


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    Bits and Pieces are what almost all things that we use are made of. From slippers, cars, airplanes, flower pots, spoons, slippers, needles, rubber as well as plastic mats to bottled drinks. Once these things are broken or getting old, these are forgotten, treated as waste, dirt and shoved right into the bins. Sometimes left in the streets where it would be considered as pollutants in any form. Good for those who are making a living as street cleaners as well as scrappers as they could make money out of these - Bits & Pieces.

    While a lot of people consider Bits and Pieces as waste that they chaotically throw these anywhere, they don

  1. lonvig
    Latest Entry

    It is the 12th time.

    The 12th time that I made a motif for a award winning company.

    The award is the Danish Industry InitiativeAward 2009.

    The company is the Fittings Specialist in Fredericia, Denmark.

    It was a couple of months ago.

    As always I initiate the job by talking to the CEO. His name is Finn Roy, and he thorowly

    informed me about products, organisation, etc.

    We managed to drink three cups of coffee.

    The chemistry between us was right.

    Now you must see the robot, Finn Roy said.

    The robot???

    First I thought of Gyro Gearloose

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    Here are a few more sketches, please check the Members Album on Gallery-- My art's named - ' My Quest to become an artist'. Thank u for spending ur time to read this. Love u.

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    Hey there, I'm new here. :D

    I decided to join this for art people to comment on my artwork.

    As you know, I'm only 14 and I do hope I get comments from people telling me how to improve. :D


    Ciel from Kuroshitsuji



    Tenryuuji Noa from Rhapsody In Heaven.

    Please leave comments. :D

    Thanks. :DDDD

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    I was looking for some kind of art blog sight to use that wasnt all mainstream so a bit more freedom of expression instead of having to listen to people actually know critzing me and telling me how ridiculous my thoughts are, hopefully this will work out but i dunno

    i guess ill upload something later but for now im just trying to get the feel of this website and ramble a bit, although this website seems rather under used...:DDD Well i dont know what to say but i feel like writing, so yeah and as far as art goes im still crazy amateur but i dont care at this moment.

    ive been so strange lately, not that i was ever normal, but im just done worrying about things, but it feels like im drowning in apathy and i hate saying how apathetic i am cause it sounds like so such a poser emo kid thing. Just with all the drama that im always surrounded in and i dont see any point in wasting my time caring, although i always feel like im wasting my time but thats not the point. i dont know, some people express their frustration/depression/ectera with talking crap about people and i just write about irrelevant things and paint/draw. But i generally feel ashamed of things i make since im well aware they arent good enough but i have to do something to maintain sanity in way other than alcohol

    My mom and her boyfriend are fighting once again so im at my brothers grandpa like 30minutes from 'my' house and my mom was yelling at me to hurry up so i didnt get like any of my stuff so ima go shopping or something so i actually have something to wear, and i also forgot my sketch pad so im going to just doodle on computer paper. well i dunno im sure this website is more art gallery-ish then blog-age but i dunno, ill upload some stuff from my deviantart later so ill feel like less of a failure, lol

    well whatever talk if you want

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    Art Around Adams,

    On January 6, 2009, 12 noon to 10:00pm

    See: www.artaroundadams.org

    Will host the all ages creative arts festival featuring four stages of lives bands, circus performers, a theater production, a stand up comedy, film screenings, large scale interactive art, a 21 and up fun zone, and lots more.

    The event is a public show of support for San Diego

  2. Hello people...Sorry I haven't been on here but have had all kinds of things going on.....like new drawings and playing with digital painting.....What fun it is learning a lot and still more to learn I think its endless...lol......

    And I am including a sample with me as the star....lol.....enjoy


    When Rudyard Kipling died in January 1936 and his autobiography was published the following year, the Baha

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